Zoom meeting website

City’s Zoom outreach is back by popular demand

Disgruntled ratepayers in the City of Tshwane can now interact with municipal officials via the Zoom platform to seek solutions to disputes emanating from account and billing issues, among other issues.

The virtual outreach programme is aimed at encouraging customers to pay their municipal accounts. The programme also assists customers with other related queries concerning the payment of accounts. The programme is expected to run until December 2023.

Customers can also raise issues regarding the repair of water leakages, faulty electricity meters and indigent-related queries and registrations.

To take part in the virtual platform, customers can log on to Zoom and select the meeting ID to join.

Customers will be requested to log on to the category of their enquiry. The host will then accept the customer and the customer is automatically connected to share a screen view with the host.

Because an interpersonal communication network will be active, the customer will be required to submit his/her account number and any other attachment, such as a photo of the electricity and/or water meter reading.

This will enable the host to immediately correct the account if necessary. Customers are requested to use the listed meeting IDs according to the category of their enquiry.

The service will not be available on Sundays and public holidays.


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