

Toponymy, a subsection of Land Use, Scheme, Toponymy and Application Management (LUSTAM), manages and maintains the database of public place and street names in the City of Tshwane. It is also responsible for naming all public streets in new township developments, as well as all existing streets in already developed areas.  Toponymy also deal with the naming of township name zones, township establishments and public places.

Contact Details:

TYPE OF ENQUIRYOfficialContact numberE Mail address
Functional HeadMarike van Greuning012 358 4571marikeb@tshwane.gov.za
Enquiries on approval of street names and public participationKholofelo Aphane012 358 4511KholofeloA4@tshwane.gov.za
Enquiries on approval of street names and public participationLebohang Mathola-Ndlovu012 358 1429Lebohangmn@tshwane.gov.za
Enquiries on Existing streets/name boardsMarie Ueckermann012 358 0918geo6@tshwane.gov.za
Enquiries on proposed streets in proposed developmentsCharlotte Slabbert012 358 7949charlottew@tshwane.gov.za