The City of Tshwane and its stakeholders are putting in every effort to solve the water problems that have plagued the residents of Hammanskraal. Soon, residents in this area will have clean water coming out of their taps. It is estimated that some residents will receive water at the end of October 2024.
The City is working in partnership with the Department of Water and Sanitation, the National Treasury and the Development Bank of Southern Africa, as the managing agent, in a collaborative effort to accelerate solutions to Hammanskraal’s water challenges.
Auditing of water meters
Among the work done by the City is the auditing of water meters, which will measure the amount of water used by households and businesses in order for the City to calculate a reliable water bill. The City is currently replacing faulty meters. This exercise will have no cost implications to those customers with such meters.
Water supply will be rolled out in phases
The much-anticipated provision of water supply through taps is expected to be realised at the end of October this year. The City has adopted a phased approach for the area’s water provision, which is informed by the planning, design and construction of infrastructure.
As part of this phased approach, the areas closer to the water distribution storage point will be the first to receive supply. Clean water will be turned on in stages, so that everything goes smoothly. This means that not everyone will get water at the same time, but everyone will have water soon. The City is making sure that all the pipes and systems are ready for this big change.
This is how the water will be provided:
- First phase: Some residents will start getting water by the end of October 2024. These are the people who live closest to the water storage tanks.
- Second phase: More homes and businesses will get water by the end of February 2025.
- Third phase: Even more areas will get water by the end of April 2025.
- Fourth phase: By end of June 2025, everyone in Hammanskraal should have clean tap water.
Scouring of water pipes
Water and sanitation employees in Region 2 are also cleaning out the water pipes to remove sediment and dirt, and fix any problems. This will help keep the clean water flowing smoothly. They will also keep checking for leaks and make repairs when needed.
Helping the community
The City also wants to help families in Hammanskraal who might need financial assistance. The Community and Social Development Services Department is accelerating the registration of qualifying indigent applicants in the Hammanskraal area.
At the same time, the City is running a programme in various wards to help residents with any problems they have with their water bills. Finance employees are available to help with reading meters, answering billing questions and making payment arrangements.
Staying in touch
The City knows that it is important to keep everyone informed. Ward meetings will take place where officials will explain the process to residents and assist with questions they may have.
The City of Tshwane is committed to making life better for everyone in Hammanskraal. By fixing the infrastructure, helping those in need and keeping the community informed, the City is making sure that everyone will soon have access to safe and clean water.
Phased implementation schedule
Phase 1: End of October 2024
Wards | Areas |
49, 73, 74 and 75 | Mandela Village, Marokolong, Ramotse, Kekana Gardens (Steve Bikoville), Kudube Unit 9, Babelegi Industrial and Bridgeview informal settlement |
Phase 2: End of February 2025
Wards | Areas |
8, 49, 74, 75 and 76 | Majaneng (on the eastern side of Makapanstad Road), Kudube Unit 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and D, Jubilee Tower, Jubilee Direct and Dominican Tower |
Phase 3: End of April 2025
Wards | Areas |
8, 49 and 73 | Hammanskraal West Ext 0, 1 and 2, Hammanskraal Ext 0 (Renstown), 1 and 2, Kudube Unit 4 and Mandela Village Ext 2 and 3 |
Phase 4: End of June 2025
Wards | Areas | |
8, 75 and 76 | Sekampaneng, Themba View Ext 1, Kudube Unit 5, 7 and 11, Suurman, Mashemong and Majaneng (on the western side of Makapanstad Road) |