A wide range of development, research and support services are provided to the agricultural community in Tshwane. Specific focus is on food security, job creation, food production and increasing the sector’s contribution to the province’s gross domestic product.
The following services are provided:
1. Development and operations of agricultural parks
Lease of agri-parks
Assist emerging farmers with farm infrastructure such boreholes and windmills, general farm equipment, irrigation and etcetera.
Facilitating farmers’ access to markets and support services
2.Mechanising agriculture in regions (tractor services)
Provide emerging farmers in all the City’s regions with tractor services
Repairs and maintenance municipal tractors used in the regions
3. Provide information related to agriculture
Technical and business information – give farmers/clients info on agriculture and also how to run agricultural businesses
Sources of finance – provide clients information on how to access finance from various stakeholders within the sector.
Market linkages – Assist clients with access to market opportunities
Assist clients with promotional opportunities.
4. Capacity building and skills development
Specialist extension and advisory support- ensure that clients are well informed with agricultural information and they can also access extension support on agricultural matters given by specialists within the sector.
Study Groups
Farmer’s days
Facilitating development of rural enterprises
Assist with the development of agricultural business plans to access funding