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Land Development and other applications

A land development application is an application that amends the land use rights or the size and form of your land or property. Land development applications include Rezonings, Township establishments, division of townships, permissions, Consent uses, Subdivisions, Consolidations and Removal, Amendment or Suspension of Restrictive title conditions.

The following land development applications can be launched from the e-Tshwane website @ www.e-tshwane.co.za

  • Rezoning
  • Township establishment and extension of township boundaries
  • Division of a township
  • Consent use
  • Permission
  • Permission for Additional Dwelling
  • Subdivision and/or consolidation
  • Removal of restrictive title conditions.
  • Consent of the Municipality in terms of the title deed


       Other applications that are not currently supported on the E-Tshwane platform can be applied for by sending an email to the addresses as indicated in the document: Guide document for the submission of land development and other related applications.

       The following additional services are available to residents and businesses, and can be requested using the specified email addresses: