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Hammanskraal residents now have safe drinking water in their taps

Phase 1 of the Hammanskraal water project is completed. Residents who are part of Phase 1 of the project now have clean drinking water in their taps. The water is supplied from the Magalies Klipdrift Water Treatment Plant.

This follows extensive testing conducted by the City of Tshwane, Magalies Water and the national Department of Water and Sanitation. The latest laboratory tests confirm that the water now meets all the required health standards for consumption.

A process of clearing the reticulation system, which was previously supplied by Temba Water Works, by using clean water sourced from the new Klipdrift Package Plant delayed use of the water. The purpose of the prolonged purging process and accompanying inspections was to ensure that the system is fully rehabilitated, disinfected and safe.

The completion of the first phase of the project means that at least 12,5 megalitres per day (Mℓ/d) of treated water will be supplied to various areas in Hammanskraal. The supply areas, which include Wards 49, 73, 74 and 75, specifically Mandela Village, Marokolong, Ramotse, Kekana Gardens (also referred to as Steve Bikoville) and Babelegi Industrial.

The Magalies Water Klipdrift package project consists of four phases, estimated to be completed in mid-2025. With the completion of each stage, more areas in Hammanskraal will benefit. This will be complemented by upgrades to Rooiwal Waste Water Treatment Plant that are being done by the City, in conjunction with the national Department of Water and Sanitation and the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) as the implementing agent. The combination of these two projects will allow communities to benefit from a clean and reliable water supply.

Phase 2: End of February 2025

Wards Areas
8, 49, 74, 75 and 76 Majaneng (on the eastern side of Makapanstad Road), Kudube Unit 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and D, Jubillee Tower, Jubille Direct and Dominican Tower

Phase 3: End of April 2025

Wards Areas
8, 49 and 73 Hammanskraal West Ext 0, 1 and 2, Hammanskraal Ext 0 (Renstown), 1 and 2, Kudube Unit 4, and Mandela Village Ext 2 and 3

Phase 4: End of June 2025

Areas Ward No.
8, 75 and 76 Sekampaneng, Themba View Ext 1, Kudube Unit 5, 7 and 11, Suurman, Mashemong and Majaneng (on the western side of Makapanstad)

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