Executive Mayor Alderman Randall Williams opening of the Mamelod

Be part of the 2023/24 Integrated Development Plan and budget process and submit your comments

The City of Tshwane calls on its communities and stakeholders to participate in the 2023/24 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget process.

In compliance with the provisions of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000), the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) and the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6 of 2004), communities and stakeholders can submit written comments on the following:

  1. 2023/24 draft reviewed Tshwane IDP
  2. 2023/24–2025/26 draft Medium-term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF) (and related tariffs)
  3. Draft Property Rates Policy and By-law

The City is tabling a total budget of R46,9 billion, consisting of the operating budget of R44,5 billion and the capital infrastructure investment budget of R2,4 billion.

 The following are the proposed percentage increases in tariffs for main services:

  • Sanitation: 9,2%
  • Refuse removal: 6%
  • Water: 9,2%
  • Electricity: 18%
  • Property rates: 5%

The 2023/24 draft budget seeks to secure the financial sustainability of the City while also delivering core services within the financial limits of the City. Over R1 billion of the capital budget is allocated towards prioritising electricity and water infrastructure.

The draft budget is tabled for inputs from residents and relevant stakeholders and, when concluded, these inputs will shape the final IDP and budget to be approved by Council in June 2023.

Written comments can be summited as follows:

  • Draft reviewed Tshwane IDP: Send an email to idpcomments@tshwane.gov.za or hand-deliver comments to the IDP comments box, reception desk, Ground Floor, Tshwane House, 320 Madiba Street, Pretoria
  • Draft MTREF (and related tariffs): Send an email to Stephani Botes at stephanib@tshwane.gov.za or hand-deliver comments to the MTREF comments box, reception desk, Ground Floor, Tshwane House, 320 Madiba Street, Pretoria
  • Draft Property Rates Policy and By-law: Send an email to Sam Chepape at samch@tshwane.gov.za or hand-deliver comments to the Property Rates Policy and By-law comments box, reception desk, Ground Floor, Tshwane House, 320 Madiba Street, Pretoria

The closing date for comments is 17 May 2023 at 15:00.

Click on the links below to access the documents:

  • Draft reviewed Tshwane IDP



  • Draft MTREF (and related tariffs)





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