City leads intervention in Region 3 to enhance service delivery

Media statement                                                                                            10 October 2023

Cllr Kingsley Wakelin

MMC for Corporate and Shared Services

As from today, Region 3 of Tshwane is going to receive much-needed management and technical support in order to enhance service delivery. After engaging with councillors and the management team, we are now deploying a number of new personnel to support work in the region.

Regions 3 stretches from the west of Atteridgeville towards the inner city and then further east, covering areas like Sunnyside, Arcadia, Hatfield, Groenkloof, Waterkloof, Brooklyn and Menlo Park, and many others in between.

The Group Head for Regional Operations and Coordination (ROC) shared the details of the new administration during the  Regional Councillor Forum (RCF) today and promised to provide a full intervention plan in due course.

Many councillors have been at the receiving end of extreme frustrations by residents and businesses who have grappled with underperformance in terms of repairing water leaks, restoring power, collecting waste, fixing potholes and cutting grass.

Region 3 includes some of the oldest parts of the city where the infrastructure is at its most fragile, particularly with regard to water and sanitation, which is why we are taking a targeted approach.

I look forward to working with the new management and technical team, who I know will make a tangible impact in the region once they hit the ground.

I will continue to keep a close eye on the intervention team and track the implementation of the turnaround strategy so that residents and businesses receive the services that they deserve within the stipulated timeframes.

We are committed to making Tshwane a city that works for all.


MMC Kingsley Wakelin

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