The City is committed to ending the scourge of gender-based violence. In commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children, through its Community and Social Development Services Department, the City of Tshwane will do door-to-door campaigning in efforts to raise awareness and to support victims of gender-based violence.
What is domestic violence?
Any form of abuse which includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, psychological and economic abuse as well as harassment, damage to property and entering a person’s property without consent.
Any other abusive or controlling behaviour where such a conduct causes harm or may cause harm to your health, safety or well-being.
What to do if you are a victim of domestic violence
Step 1
Report the crime
Immediately go to the nearest police station or a Thuthuzela Care Centre (TCC) to report the Do not bath or change your clothes after a sex crime.
You will be taken to a private victim-friendly room where a statement will be taken.
Step 2
Local magistrates’ court
You may be required to appear in court to give more evidence. Attend the hearing at the local magistrates’ court.
On the day of the hearing, the alleged abuser must appear before the Magistrate. The Magistrate will then decide whether or not to issue a final protection order.
Step 3
What happens if the alleged abuser violates the protection order?
If the alleged abuser violates the protection order, immediately go to the nearest police station with the protection order and suspended warrant of arrest to report the incident. The police may make the arrest and charge the alleged abuser for violating the protection order.
If found guilty, the abuser can be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment or both.
What are sexual offences?
Rape occurs when a person forces another to have sexual intercourse without consent.
Sexual assault occurs when a person sexually violates another person without consent.
Sexual grooming occurs when a person educates, introduces or prepares a child to perform or witness any sexual act or become sexually ready.
Incest occurs when people who are related and are not allowed to marry each other engage in a sexual act with each other even though they both agreed to do so.
Child pornography occurs when a person or company uses a child for reward or money to publish pornographic material.
Child prostitution occurs when a person uses a child or a person living with a mental disability to engage him/her in sexual acts for a reward.
What to do if you are a victim of a sexual offence
Step 1
Report the crime
Immediately go to the nearest police station or a Thuthuzela Care Centre (TCC) to report the crime. It is important that you do not bath or change your clothes after a sex crime.
Step 2
Examination and treatment
You will be assisted to undergo a forensic medical examination at a hospital or clinic.
The investigating officer will submit the sexual assault kit to the healthcare officers at the hospital or clinic.
Once the necessary evidence has been collected, the sexual assault kit will be sent to the police laboratory for analysis.
If you have been sexually violated, you are entitled to receive post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection. To receive PEP treatment, you must report the incident within 72 hours.
Step 3
Police investigation
The police will start the investigation and arrest the suspect.
Once the investigation has been completed, the case will be assigned to a prosecutor. It is important to cooperate with the prosecutor by providing all requested information.
You will be informed of the trial date by the investigator or prosecutor.
Step 4
Attend the trial
On the date of trial, go to the sexual offences court.
You may testify in a private testifying room via the closed-circuit television system. This will ensure that you do not come into physical contact with the alleged offender when you are testifying.
The verdict is given by the Magistrate and an appropriate sentence will be handed down, as indicated by law.
In the case where the accused is convicted of a sexual crime involving a child or a person with a mental disability, the court will order that the details of the accused be entered into the National Register for Sex Offenders.
Other support services offered by the sexual offences court
Victims are taken through the court preparation programme to make them emotionally ready to testify in court.
The waiting rooms are separate from the rest of the public areas of the court to make victims feel safe and as comfortable as possible.
Victims and witnesses can testify privately to avoid secondary victimisation. Children can testify with the assistance of an intermediary.