Pierre van Reyneveld Nature Area | Coordinates ‘S25 50 347 E028 14 363 |
Area size: 16 ha
A total of 16 ha of natural, open, rocky plains in Pierre van Ryneveld has been zoned as an open green area, which is protected by the Nature Conservation Operations Subsection of the City of Tshwane. This high-lying area still sprouts reasonably preserved indigenous plants that are typical of the Bankenveld veld type. The veld, also known as rocky Highveld grassland, is threatened by urban development, industrialisation, mining, alien plants and, to a lesser degree, agriculture.
Activities and facilities
- Walk the 1,8 km maintained hiking trail.
- Dogs on leashes are allowed.
- While hiking, watch the large variety of bird species.
- Environmental education programmes for groups can be requested.
Numerous bird species and some small mammals and reptiles can be spotted in this nature area.
The vegetation of the area is indigenous Bankenveld which include species such as Parinari capensis (underground tree), Ledebouria ovatifolia, Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, Protea caffra and Protea welwitschii. A variety of tree and grass species also occur here.
Visiting hours
September to April: 07:00 to 18:00
May to August: 07:00 to 17:00
The entrance to the reserve is in Hertzog Avenue. Follow the R21 south until the Nellmapius turn-off and turn right into Van Ryneveld Avenue. Turn left into Hertzog Avenue at the traffic light opposite the Total Garage. The entrance is on the left.
Entrance is free but access is controlled.
Contact details
Tel: 012 358 1793/3361
Email: irenedepot@tshwane.gov.za