HomeExplore TshwaneNature ConservationGroenkloof Nature Reserve

Groenkloof Nature Reserve

  • Groenkloof Nature Reserve
Coordinates: S25 46 49 E28 12 36 

In the 1820s, Mzilikazi arrived in this beautiful valley, by which time the BaKwena had already driven the San out. He stayed at Meintjieskop while his impis built two of his cities in the area. The women used to fetch water from the Apies River and called it Enzwabuhlungu. This means “something that hurts” which refers to the sharp dolomite rock that hurt their feet. The Sotho name is Entsabohloko and refers to the circumcision rites where the young men of the tribe used to stand in the water during the ceremony.


On 25 February 1895, President Paul Kruger proclaimed the valley on the southern outskirts of Pretoria as a game sanctuary – this was the first game sanctuary on the African continent. Its main purpose was to protect the large herds of animal on the outskirts of town from hunters who were responsible for their demise, as well as to protect the shy and timid Oribi that occurred here.


In 1910, portions of the area were rented out for the establishment of commercial wood plantations because of the wood and paper shortages due to the world war.


By the late 1950s, the City Council of Pretoria became the owner of the area. In 1994, the reserve became the responsibility of the Department of Nature Conservation and preparations were started to release game again. 1999 was the year where impala, kudu, blue wildebeest, and ostrich were reintroduced on to the reserve and 2002 saw the release of giraffe and red hartebeest.


Currently, big clean-up operations are being done to restore this area to its original vegetation of woody bushed.




Groenkloof Nature Reserve offers many different activities for nature lovers just 5 km outside the city centre.


Hiking trails:


3,5/1.3km hike (red trail)

 3,7 km  ( white trail)

10,5 km( yellow trail)


Entrance fees

Please note: Groenkloof Nature Reserve is a cash-free zone.




Day tariff

Adults (18 years and older)

R 58,00

Pensioners (60 years and older) and persons with disabilities

R 37,00

School children (7 to 17 years)

R 37,00

Preschool children (3 to 6 years)

R 21,00

Infants (0 to 2 years)

Free of Charge

4×4 nature trail

Per vehicle

R 152,00

Recovery fee

R 630,00

Overnight facilities

Overnight hut (sleeps 12 people)

Per person

R 126,00

Bamber youth camp (sleeps 30 people)

Per person

R 142,00

Per child

R 100,00

Per guide

R 262,00

Lapa hire

1 to 15 people  

R 1,207,50

16 to 30 people

R 2,100,00

31 to 60 people

R 2,987,00

Crockery hire

0 to 25 people

R 798,00

26 to 50 people

R 1, 207,00

51 to 75 people

R 1, 638,00

Self-catering accommodation house 2 (maximum of six people)

Per person, per night

R 1, 018,50

Per person, per night

If used on a same day, booking and occupation basis (if the booking is not made in advance)

R 546,00

Tractor drive

Per child

R 47,00

Film shoots

Commercial film recordings (advertising, movies, music videos, etc)

R 2,415,00

Professional photo shoot

Per shoot, per day plus entrance fee per person

Engagements, weddings, matric farewells, etc

R 168,00



    R 58,00

Group or terrain hire

Rental of grounds for large groups (excluding lapas ) for a maximum of 100 persons

R 11, 340,00

Environmental education


R 89,00

Children of school going age

R 52,50

Day group per person

     R 52,50

Adult accompanying group, per adult

R 100,00

Guided day hike

Per person (± four-hour hike)

R 89,00

Day hiking trail

Per guide extra

R 262,50

Night drive

Per person (minimum 10, maximum 22 persons)

R 183,75

Horse trail

Day trail: Two hours (per person)

R 199,50

Day trail: One hour (per person)

R 136,50

City light/moonlight trail: Three hours (4 to 8 persons)

R 152,00

Pony rides: 10 minutes (children under 12 years)

R 58,00

Annual tickets

Adults (18 years and older)

R 1,281,00

Per child (2 to 12 years)

R 483,00

Per child (13 to 15 years)

R 798,00

Per child (16 to 17 years)

R 1,050,00

Family of four (two adults and two children)

R 1, 260,00

Family of two (one adult and one child)

R 630,00

Bookings and contact numbers

Booking are only necessary for the overnight facilities (made two weeks in advance) and if a guide is required for a hiking trail.

Telephone:  012 358 1757 (bookings)

012 358 8188/ 012 358 0473

Email:           groenkloofnaturereserver3@tshwane.gov.za (bookings)

Address:      Groenkloof Nature Reserve

                      PO Box 1454, Pretoria, 0001

Website:       www.tshwane.gov.za/groenkloofnaturereserve

Visiting hours

Summer    ( September to April ) 06:00 to 18:00

Winter      ( May to August ):        06:00 to 18:00

Entrance to the nature reserve will only be allowed until one hour before closing time.

Please note: Groenkloof Nature Reserve is a cash-free zone.