Area size: 12 ha
The Luton Valley Bird
Sanctuary is situated between Luton Street, Nellmapius Drive and John Vorster
Drive in Highveld in the south of Tshwane. This protected area formed part of
the large farm of Hugo Nellmapius and became the property of the Van der Byl
family in later years. It was sold to Denel and later became the property of
Centurion City Council, which now forms part of the City of Tshwane. A small unknown
tributary enters the area from Luton Street and flows into a dam from where it
flows out of the area and joins up with the Hennops River. The dam and
surrounding vegetation provide habitat to numerous bird species, small mammals
and reptiles. Activities and facilities ·
Environmental education: Programmes for groups on request. ·
Hiking trails: 850 m hike on a maintained hiking trail route. ·
Birdwatching: While hiking, birdwatchers can enjoy a variety of bird
species along the trail as well as at the large dam in the middle of the nature
area which attracts water birds. ·
Parking facilities are available in Charles De Gaulle Crescent. Wildlife A variety of bird
species can be seen in this area and when the dam in the reserve is full, an
abundance of water birds is present. Small mammals like the slender mongoose
are still active in the nature area. Vegetation The area consists of
open grass veld with scattered indigenous trees, which is typical of the
Highveld vegetation and some wetland vegetation around the tributary and dam. Visiting hours September to April:
07:00 to 18:00 May to August: 07:00
to 17:00 Directions From Nellmapius Drive,
turn into John Vorster Drive. Turn left at the next junction and then left
again into Charles De Gaulle Crescent. The entrance will be on the left. The
area is bordered by Luton Street to the west and John Vorster Drive to the
north. There is only one entrance and it is in Charles de Gaulle Crescent. Tariffs Free entrance Contact details Bookings are only
necessary for the guided walks, preferably four weeks in advance. Tel: 012 358 1793/3361