Rand Water will conduct a water tightness test (leak detention, airtightness and mechanical integrity) on its newly constructed Vlakfontein 3 Reservoir. The test will start on 12 May 2023 at 18:00 and end on 17 May 2023 at 18:00.
Rand Water used to have two reservoirs, namely Vlakfontein 1 and 2, that supply water to certain parts of the south and east of the city.
A third reservoir, Vlakfontein 3, whose construction was completed in October 2022, is intended to alleviate the water challenges experienced in these areas. The newly constructed 210 Mℓ Vlakfontein 3 Reservoir has by far the largest water storage capacity in Gauteng. Another advantage of this reservoir is that it is elevated above ground level and will ensure enough pressure flow to the various suburbs.
Rand Water’s Mapleton Pump Station, which supplies the Vlakfontein reservoirs, will be pumping at 100% capacity during the test period.
This is not a water shutdown, but a test exercise to confirm the optimal operating condition of the reservoir.
In the unlikely event of a water supply interruption, water tankers will be deployed to cover 14 wards in Regions 3, 4 and 6.
The tankers will be coordinated by the regional water and sanitation teams in consultation with ward councillors.
Contact details of the service providers will be shared with the regional water and sanitation teams, ward councillors and water tanker coordinators.
A daily schedule indicating the contact person, number of trucks and location of trucks will be provided for each ward. The allocations will be reviewed daily to determine an increase or decrease in allocations.
The water levels of reservoirs will be closely monitored. If consumption is high and water levels drop, water throttling and restrictions will be implemented.
Residents are urged to reduce their water usage during this time to ensure that reservoirs do not run dry.