Interested in becoming a member of your ward committee? Then register as a stakeholder on the Office of the Speaker’s stakeholder registration database to get all the necessary information first hand on the establishment of the City of Tshwane Ward Committees for the 2023–2026 period. Nomination and election dates will be communicated in due course.
The role of ward committees is to promote community participation and inform the municipality of the needs of residents and to inform residents of municipal activities.
Ward committees serve for a period of five years and members are required to attend monthly meetings where they advise the ward councillor on the needs of the community. Each ward is required to elect 6 to 10 members to serve on the ward committee structure to assist the ward councillor to execute his/her mandate.
Who can be a ward committee member?
- A registered voter on the voter’s roll; and
- A property owner; or
- A person who has commercial interest in a ward; or
- A person who has a legitimate and demonstrable interest in the ward; or
- A registered stakeholder
What disqualifies you?
- Owing the municipality for a period of three months without an arrangement
- Being an employee of the municipality
- Anyone doing business with the municipality
- Anyone declared insolvent
- Anyone declared to be of unsound mind by the court
- Anyone convicted of an offence and sentenced to more than 12 months’ imprisonment without the option of a fine
The election process
- Nominees are nominated by a stakeholder or a registered voter in a ward
- Nominees are published on the municipal website and at all customer care centres
- Qualified nominees will be voted for by a ballot paper on the day of the elections
To register as a stakeholder, complete the registration form that can be downloaded from: or collected at our regional offices. Completed forms can be hand-delivered to City of Tshwane regional offices or emailed to