Residents are urged to report any suspicion of fraud, corruption or other irregular conduct to the Anti-fraud and Corruption Hotline on 080 TSHWANE (080 874 9263). Report wrongful conduct such as credit control scams, biasness, sloppiness and unfairnes ...
Help us locate you quicker in an emergency situation. Download the What3words application
Emergencies can happen anywhere and locating an incident, or finding an injured or sick person, can sometimes be a challenge. Therefore, the City of Tshwane Emergency Services Department is now using the what3words application (app) to find you in an emer ...
Land use applications can be submitted digitally
Residents, town-planning firms, land surveyors, property developers and consulting agencies can submit applications electronically via the Land Development Application tab on e-Tshwane. The new automated system aims to streamline land develop ...
Drug abuse programmes aim to reduce substance abuse in Tshwane’s communities
Drug abuse programmes aims to reduce substance abuse in Tshwane’s communities Developing a drug addiction isn’t a character flaw or a sign of weakness, and it takes more than willpower to overcome this problem. Abusing illegal or certain prescription d ...